
“Love responsibility. 

Say: It is my duty, and mine alone, to save the earth. 

If it is not saved, then I alone am to blame.”

Nikos Kazantzakis



A Unique Combination of Science and Technology with Economics and Marketing. We ensure a comprehensive, systematic and consistent approach to successful results. The methodology at hand embraces a holistic approach to the issues at hand. We aim to giving more than advice. Our consulting services focus on our clients' most critical issues and opportunities


Introduction to Behavioral Economics. 

Suggested readings and videos.

Behavioral Economics explains why we procrastinate, buy, borrow, and grab chocolate on the spur of the moment.

Richard Thaler, Nassim Nicholas Taleb, Daniel Kahneman, Dan Ariely, Noreena Hertz, Amy Cuddy, Rory Sutherland.


Mediation, as used in law, is a form of Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR), a way of resolving disputes between two or more parties with concrete effects. 


I'm not an artist!  But, this does not really matter. 

"45 minutes of creative activity significantly lessens stress, irrespective of artistic experience or talent." Science says so. 

I do always find it relaxing to take some time off and start painting or drawing. Many people, including myself, use art to lessen stress. I am painting and drawing to free myself from the demanding requirements of life.


For videos,  you can rotate smartphones sideways for landscape orientation.


Drawing Video. Click the image above or the link, wait ... and view.


is a beach front resort, high status development, exclusive, environmentally-friendly, traffic-less, gated residences of the highest standards, in a rare and sought-after location of a total area 118,348 m² right on a beach front of 365 m with panoramic views of the Mediterranean. 

SARELS E.P.C.M. LTD, the Engineering Procurement Construction Manager, is a part of an international group of companies and the sole owner of NELIPO PROPERTIES  LTD on Limassol coast.

01. Sarels - House2.avi

Video. Click the image above or the link, wait and view.  Architectural rendering for 3D modeling  of  concept 2.

Drone Video from Stratos

Click the Drone Video above or this link, wait and view  NELIPO PROPERTIES before land works...


Proton therapy is used today to treat many cancers and is particularly appropriate in situations where treatment options are limited or conventional  radiotherapy presents an unacceptable risk to the patient. These situations include eye and brain cancers, tumors close to the brain stem, spinal cord or other vital organs, prostate cancers recurring cancers and pediatric cancers. Intensity Modulated Proton therapy, also known as pencil-beam scanning (PBS) is the most advanced and precise type of proton treatment available.  



"We have  developed vision for alternative mobility in a city. Electrical mobility power can enable all necessary movements around a Cypriot city." 2004-Avraam HadjiTjiovannis . 



Susan Spenser-Wendel 

was diagnosed  with ALS (Lou Gehrig's disease) and that she did write a book. 

Well, the book is finished and is now available for order on Amazon: http://www.amazon.com/Until-Say-Good-Bye-Susan-Spencer-Wendel/dp/0062241451

Until I Say Good-Bye is Spencer-Wendel’s account of living a full life with humor, courage, and love, but also accepting death with grace and dignity.

Archimedes, Isaac Newton, James Clerk Maxwell, Nikola Tesla, Max Planck, Heisenberg, Niels Bohr, Manhattan project-World's First Atomic Bomb, Richard Feynman, Alan Turing, Srinivasa Ramanujan, Karl Sagan,  Lynn Margulis, Steves Jobs, Tony Buzan-mind mapping, Stephen Hawking, Pranav Mistry,

"When you see a Tweet you love, tap the heart — it lets the person who wrote it know you shared the love."  

Tweets by Kathimerini & @ AvraamH

“Ν' αγαπάς την ευθύνη. Να λες: Εγώ, εγώ μονάχος μου έχω χρέος να σώσω τη γης. Αν δε σωθεί, εγώ φταίω.”

Νίκος Καζαντζάκης, The Saviors of God 

Below is a search to access safe images with accurate citations to be used for educational purposes. 

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Doctor of Philosophy, PhD in Wisdom Studies


PhD program is co-led by Dr. Gyorgyi Szabo, PhD (Sorbonne) who serves as our Dean of Graduate Studies, and Dr. Jim Garrison, PhD (University of Cambridge) who serves as President.